Medical Weight Loss Omaha NELose weight quickly, safely, and efficiently through our medical weight loss program at 4Ever Young Medspa and Anti-aging Solutions in Omaha, NE.

This comprehensive program incorporates weight loss medications, nutritional guidance, health coaching, hormone replacement therapy, and other scientifically supported techniques to address the underlying factors contributing to obesity and weight gain.

We don’t just help you shed pounds; we equip you with the skills and resources to maintain lasting outcomes.

4Ever Young Omaha, NE offers medical services so patients can lose weight, keep it off, and live longer, healthier lives!


Our medical weight loss program is ideal for men and women who have tried but failed to lose weight on their own or other programs.

It’s designed with those people in mind – overweight individuals who are fed up with yo-yo dieting or the latest fad diets—and are now ready to commit to achievable, long-term weight loss.

Our highly trained staff understands the complexities of weight loss. We realize that diet and exercise aren’t enough, and we know how to recognize and help you overcome the contributing factors that may create obstacles to your success.

The many advantages of medical weight loss include the following:

  • Safe and rapid weight loss – Losing weight through medical weight loss programs is typically more effective than losing weight on your own. Losing 10 pounds a month is not uncommon.

  • Improves lifestyle habits – Weight loss medications and lifestyle changes lead to more significant weight loss and successful weight maintenance.

  • Increased exercise capacity and better exercise results – Our medical weight loss program includes coaches showing you how to burn calories while building muscle and increasing your resting metabolism.

  • Provides support and accountability – Keeping you accountable while you’re losing weight can make a huge difference, so we provide ongoing support, encouragement, and the occasional push to keep you motivated.


Medical Weight Loss Omaha NEThere can be many approaches to medical weight loss. We have helped over 20,000 patients with our trusted medical weight loss programs. Your medical weight loss program may include the following:

  • Health Assessment with BMI – Your medical weight loss program is custom designed for you and your fitness goals. That all starts with a complete assessment of your health and body mass. From there, we provide consultations with our doctors, considering your medical history and current health status. We also offer a blood panel that includes additional health markers so we can accurately depict your health formula.

  • Prescription appetite suppressants – Our doctors use medications that have been clinically proven to help suppress your appetite and limit your caloric intake safely and effectively.

  • Nutrition and dietary counseling – Your personal fitness coach will help you set and achieve your weight loss goals by recommending exercise, dietary, and practical lifestyle changes to help you lose weight and keep it off.

  • Hormone replacement therapy – As part of your medical weight loss program, you may also be prescribed a course of testosterone replacement therapy and/or growth hormone replacement therapy. Declining testosterone levels and human growth hormone (HGH) contribute to weight gain and difficulties with weight loss. If, during your complete physical exam, your hormones are found to be low, hormone replacement therapy may be part of your medical weight loss program. 

  • Semaglutide – We use semaglutide, a weight management medication, as part of our holistic weight loss and management program. Weight loss has never been more effortless with semaglutide!

  • Tirzepatide – Tirzepatide is a breakthrough weight loss medication that has shown promising results for those looking to shed excess pounds and improve their overall health. This injectable medication works by mimicking the action of a hormone called GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite.

    In clinical trials, patients taking Tirzepatide experienced significant weight loss and improvements in A1C levels and cardiovascular risk factors. If you are struggling to lose weight and improve your health, consider trying Tirzepatide under the guidance of a healthcare professional at 4Ever Young.

  • Tesofensine – Tesofensine is an oral peptide developed specifically for the treatment of obesity. It is a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it affects the reuptake of neurotransmitters involved in appetite regulation and metabolism. By suppressing appetite and increasing resting energy expenditure, tesofensine can aid in weight loss.

    Medical weight loss program in 4Ever Young, incorporates tesofensine as one of its techniques, offering patients a comprehensive and holistic approach to achieving their weight loss goals. By addressing the root causes of obesity and utilizing the benefits of tesofensine, patients can not only lose weight but also lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

  • Vitamin Injections – 4Ever Young offers both single and compound vitamin injections to replace what your diet may be missing and boost your energy levels and immune system. Our 4Ever Refuel injection contains lipotropic compounds that stimulate fat breakdown during metabolism. This weight loss tool works best with our medical weight loss program.

  • Tracking and monitoring your results and progress – We use a proprietary mobile app that allows you to monitor your weight loss progress, helps you to count calories and make better food choices, and instantly shares information with our doctors to help you reach and maintain your ideal weight.  

What Are the Signs of Obesity? 

Patients who are considered obese are most likely to benefit from medical weight loss.

The warning signs of obesity include:

  • Difficulty in sleeping. Obesity is associated with sleep apnoea, which is the cause of daytime drowsiness and insufficient restful sleep.
  • Back and/or joint pains.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Intolerance to heat.
  • Infections in skin folds.
  • Fatigue.
  • Depression.
  • A feeling of shortness of breath (dyspnoea).


Naturally, the outcomes of medical weight loss may vary for each individual, but at 4Ever Young Medspa and Anti-aging Solutions in Omaha, NE, we have an impressive record of numerous patients who have achieved transformative results through our program. Some individuals have experienced weight loss of over 35 pounds within a few weeks, while others have successfully shed almost 100 pounds.

The most remarkable aspect, however, is that they have successfully maintained their weight loss and are now enjoying happier, healthier, and more productive lives. Our commitment to offering state-of-the-art medical weight loss technology sets us apart. We recognize that every patient grappling with weight issues has unique circumstances, which is why we collaborate closely with you as your health partners throughout the entire journey.

Our aim is to assist you in maximizing your progress as you strive to regain a slimmer and more toned version of yourself. It is crucial to note that medical weight loss encompasses more than just aesthetics. Once you complete our program, your overall health will significantly improve, and your susceptibility to obesity-related conditions such as heart disease and diabetes will substantially diminish.


Discover the secret to aging gracefully at 4Ever Young Omaha, your premier wellness and aesthetic center. Our expert team will create customized plans tailored to your unique needs, helping you look and feel your best.

Our approach to health and wellness is individualized because we understand that people are different. Experience the power of personalized care and unlock your true potential. Visit the only 4Ever Young in the Midwest today!

We Take a Different Approach to Medical Weight Loss

At 4Ever Young Medspa and Anti-aging Solutions in Omaha, NE, we adopt a distinctive approach to medical weight loss. Unlike other centers that offer a standardized weight loss program, we tailor your medical weight loss journey specifically to your individual objectives and lifestyle.

Our center boasts the top-notch medical weight loss doctors in Omaha, NE, as well as the surrounding regions. Don’t let life’s enjoyable activities pass you by any longer.

Join the multitude of individuals, just like you, from Omaha, NE, who are experiencing enhanced happiness and improved well-being, all thanks to 4Ever Young’s exceptional methodology for medical weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Weight Loss

What Is Obesity?

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. Obesity increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. Obesity is a medical condition that can be treated by medical weight loss.

Do I have to be extremely overweight to benefit from medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is an ideal solution for those diagnosed as obese. However, anyone who struggles with his or her weight can benefit from our medical weight loss programs.

How much weight can you lose with medical weight loss?

As with any medical procedure or program, individual results can vary. Depending on the medical weight loss protocols, it is common for patients to lose up to 20 pounds within the first month of treatment.

But far more important than how much you will lose – is that you WILL lose weight and keep it off with medical weight loss, which will reduce your risk of developing many health conditions and improve your ability to enjoy life.

Is medical weight loss sustainable?

The results of medical weight loss are long-lasting and quite sustainable. Once you reach your goal weight, we can adjust your exercise program and diet and wean you off appetite suppressants to ensure that you maintain your weight loss.

How long before I see the results of medical weight loss

Depending on the individual, the results of our medical weight loss program may vary. However, most patients lose weight within the first two weeks and continue to reduce their weight as they continue with our program. We will also provide accountability visits to help you achieve your weight loss goals.