Medical Weight Loss Fort Myers FLAt 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL, we recognize the significant influence that extra weight can have on both physical and emotional well-being.

With nearly one in three adults classified as overweight and over two in five adults facing obesity, the demand for effective weight management solutions is more crucial than ever.

Our center’s medical weight loss program provides a holistic and individualized approach to assist people in reaching their weight loss objectives and, consequently, enhancing their overall quality of life. Medical weight loss surpasses passing trends and quick fixes, as it is customized to cater to the distinct requirements of each person.

Our skilled team of healthcare experts collaborates closely with patients, considering their medical background, lifestyle, and specific weight loss goals. We encourage our patients to take control of their health and well-being through evidence-based measures, such as nutrition counseling, exercise advice, behavioral therapy, and, where suitable, medications.

The advantages of medical weight loss go beyond just numbers on the scale. Shedding excess pounds can boost physical health, lower the risk of chronic illnesses, boost energy levels, enhance mobility, and cultivate a more positive self-perception.

Embrace Your Journey to Wellness: Medical Weight Loss to Look and Feel Better.


At 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL, our comprehensive medical weight loss program is designed to cater to a diverse range of individuals seeking to achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall well-being. Whether you are struggling with a few extra pounds or facing obesity-related health concerns, our tailored approach can benefit a wide array of individuals.

Who can benefit from medical weight loss:

  • Individuals who are overweight or obese — Our program offers effective strategies to help individuals in both categories shed excess weight and improve their health.

  • Individuals with chronic conditions — By achieving a healthier weight, those with type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol can experience better disease management and reduced risks.

  • Individuals seeking personalized guidance — Our healthcare professionals work closely with each patient, providing customized plans based on their unique needs and goals.

  • Individuals who have tried various diets with little success — Our evidence-based approach goes beyond fad diets, providing a comprehensive and sustainable solution to weight loss.

  • Individuals who desire long-term results — Through nutrition counseling, behavioral therapy, and exercise guidance, we help individuals build healthy habits for lasting success.

  • Individuals looking to enhance overall well-being — Medical weight loss can boost energy levels, enhance mobility, and foster a positive self-image, improving overall quality of life.

At 4Ever Young, our medical weight loss program aims to empower individuals to take control of their health, feel better, and embrace a journey to improved wellness.


Medical Weight Loss Fort Myers FLMedical weight loss at 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL operates on a personalized and evidence-based approach to help individuals achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall health.

The journey begins with a comprehensive assessment by our experienced healthcare professionals, who consider each patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and weight loss goals. This individualized approach ensures that the treatment plan aligns with the patient’s specific needs and addresses any underlying medical conditions that may impact their weight.

Nutrition counseling also plays a crucial role in weight loss, empowering patients with the knowledge and tools to make healthier food choices. Our healthcare professionals work closely with patients to develop meal plans that promote balanced nutrition and portion control while incorporating foods that align with their dietary preferences and lifestyles.

In addition to dietary guidance, behavioral therapy is integrated into the program to help patients understand their relationship with food, identify triggers for overeating, and develop strategies to manage emotional eating. This component equips patients with coping mechanisms and skills to navigate various social and emotional challenges that may arise during their weight loss journey.

Our medical weight loss program may also incorporate medications, when deemed appropriate, to support patients in their weight loss efforts. These medications are prescribed based on individual needs and can aid in appetite control, metabolic regulation, or managing specific medical conditions related to weight.

Regular follow-up visits allow our team to track progress, adjust treatment plans as needed, and support patients throughout their weight loss journey. Combining personalized strategies, evidence-based interventions, and compassionate care empowers individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes, achieve their weight loss goals, and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Your medical weight loss program may include the following:

  • Health Assessment with BMI
    The real key to weight loss is constant supervision by trained medical professionals. We provide consultations with our doctors, considering your medical history and current health status. We also offer a blood panel that includes additional health markers so we can accurately depict your health formula.

    The truth is that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to weight loss. We’ll design a customized weight loss and weight management program tailored to achieve your weight loss goals.

  • Hormone Therapy
    Our medical weight loss program includes hormone therapy plans. Sometimes your hormones play a role in how difficult it is to lose weight. A hormone assessment can identify imbalances in your hormones and help you lose weight if you are experiencing obesity due to hormonal deficiencies or excesses.

  • Diet Counseling & Nutrition Plans
    Whether you need an individual consultation or a guided coaching program over time, 4Ever nutrition experts will help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. Our different 4Ever Nutrition Plans can help analyze your lifestyle, activity levels, body composition goals, dietary restrictions, and hormonal optimization.

  • Prescription Weight Loss Medications & Supplements
    Our physicians provide FDA-approved weight loss medications to optimize your weight loss results. Weight loss medications help suppress the appetite and burn more fat at a more rapid pace. Due to diet, environmental stressors, and natural aging, many of us don’t have the right amounts of key nutrients and substances.

    4Ever Young Fort Myers, FL, also has supplements to support the body’s optimal function. Our supplements are rigorously tested by third parties that exceed FDA standards. You can rely on us to provide the highest quality supplements available on the market.

  • Semaglutide
    We use semaglutide, a weight management medication, as part of our holistic weight loss and management program. Weight loss has never been more effortless with semaglutide! An injectable weight-loss drug, semaglutide, is administered once weekly to help overweight (BMI ≥ 27 mg/kg2) and obese (BMI ≥ 30 mg/kg2) patients in their weight-loss journey.

    In clinical trials, semaglutide showed outstanding results, with up to 40% of participants losing 20% of their body weight due to the medication. This human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist mimics the hormone’s original action to suppress your appetite. It prolongs your stomach to empty food and reduces cravings. Generally, semaglutide encourages you to control your eating. This results in significant weight loss.

  • Vitamin Injections
    4Ever Young Fort Myers, FL offers both single and compound vitamin injections to replace what your diet may be missing and boost your energy levels and immune system. Our 4Ever Refuel injection contains lipotropic compounds that stimulate fat breakdown during metabolism. You can enhance your fat loss ability by injecting lipotropic nutrients at precisely calibrated doses, as it reduces the accumulation of excess fat in the liver and other tissues. Lipotropic injections can help you lose weight by supporting your liver. This weight loss tool works best when combined with our medical weight loss program.

  • Tesofensine
    Tesofensine is an oral peptide that has been developed specifically for the treatment of obesity. It is a triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, meaning it affects the reuptake of neurotransmitters involved in appetite regulation and metabolism.

    By suppressing appetite and increasing resting energy expenditure, tesofensine can aid in weight loss. Medical weight loss program in 4Ever Young Fort Myers, FL, incorporates tesofensine as one of its techniques, offering patients a comprehensive and holistic approach to achieving their weight loss goals. By addressing the root causes of obesity and utilizing the benefits of tesofensine, patients can not only lose weight but also lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

  • Tirzepatide

    Tirzepatide is a breakthrough weight loss medication that has shown promising results for those looking to shed excess pounds and improve their overall health. This injectable medication works by mimicking the action of a hormone called GLP-1, which helps regulate blood sugar levels and control appetite.

    In clinical trials, patients taking Tirzepatide experienced significant weight loss and improvements in A1C levels and cardiovascular risk factors. If you are struggling to lose weight and improve your health, consider trying Tirzepatide under the guidance of a healthcare professional at our Fort Myers, FL, center.

To learn more about how medical weight loss can help you achieve your health goals, consult with our experienced practitioner at 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL.


Are you tired of fad diets and quick fixes that fail to deliver lasting results? At 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL, our medical weight loss program offers a transformative approach tailored to your needs, empowering you to shed excess pounds and embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to a sustainable path to wellness with our personalized and evidence-based strategies for weight management. Medical weight loss can help with the following:

  • Body mass index (BMI) above the healthy range of 18.5 to 24.9
  • Presence of obesity-related health conditions (e.g., type 2 diabetes, hypertension)
  • Difficulty in losing weight through traditional diet and exercise alone
  • Frequent feelings of fatigue or low energy levels
  • Struggles with emotional eating or binge eating habits
  • Limited mobility and physical discomfort due to excess weight
  • Concerns about long-term health risks associated with obesity
  • Desire for personalized guidance and support in achieving weight loss goals
  • Frustration with yo-yo dieting and lack of sustainable results

At 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL, our medical weight loss program is designed to address these signs and symptoms and provide individuals with the tools, resources, and support they need to overcome barriers to weight loss and improve their overall health and well-being.

Our experienced healthcare professionals work closely with each patient to develop tailored treatment plans that fit their unique needs and goals, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach to weight management.


At 4Ever Young in Fort Myers, FL, our medical weight loss center is dedicated to producing an array of positive and transformative outcomes for individuals devoted to reaching their weight loss targets. As you navigate through our evidence-based program, you can anticipate experiencing significant enhancements in multiple facets of your health and well-being.

One of the most prominent results of our weight loss strategy is the reduction of weight, as extra pounds are shed through a personalized blend of dietary plans, exercise advice, and behavioral therapy. While attaining a healthier weight, you may observe enhancements in overall physical health, such as better management of obesity-associated conditions like type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

In addition to weight reduction, our program has the potential to boost your energy levels, amplifying your vitality and sense of well-being. Improved mobility and diminished physical discomfort may also become apparent, enabling you to actively participate in daily routines and relish life to the fullest.

Furthermore, our medical weight loss program is crafted to instill enduring practices, enabling you to sustain your advancements and prevent weight reoccurrence in the long run. We aid you in cultivating a healthier rapport with food and your body by addressing emotional eating patterns and equipping you with the means to navigate various social and emotional hurdles.


Step into a world of luxury and wellness at 4Ever Young Fort Myers, FL! Our upscale medical center facility offers top-notch services customized just for you, ensuring your well-being is always the top priority.

At 4Ever Young Fort Myers, we believe that true wellness is all about feeling and looking your best. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and wellness procedures to help you achieve the confidence and radiance you deserve. Unlock your true potential and experience the best version of yourself with us!

Medical Weight Loss in Fort Myers, FL: Lose weight safely and effectively

During your experience with 4Ever Young, our committed team of healthcare experts will stand beside you, delivering continuous support, encouragement, and direction.

As you adopt a healthier way of life and reach your weight loss objectives, anticipate a resurgence of confidence and a more radiant, healthier tomorrow.

Don’t delay any longer. Take the first step today by reaching out to our 4Ever Young center in Fort Myers, FL, at (239) 414-3844, and explore how medical weight loss can not only enhance your well-being but also improve your appearance.

Q&A About Medical Weight Loss in Fort Myers, FL

What is the best medical treatment for weight loss?

Semaglutide, an injectable medication, has shown promising results as an effective medical treatment for weight loss. It belongs to the class of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs) and helps individuals achieve significant weight reduction by suppressing appetite and promoting a sense of fullness.

How much can I lose with medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss results vary, but most patients can expect to lose 5 to 15% of their total body weight. Successful outcomes rely on a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle and behavior changes to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Can you really lose 50 pounds in a month?

Losing 50 pounds in a month is theoretically possible but considered unhealthy and challenging. Safe and sustainable weight loss typically ranges from 4 to 20 pounds in one month, according to experts.

Are medical weight loss programs worth it?

Yes, medical weight loss programs can be highly beneficial and worth considering. They offer personalized and evidence-based approaches, addressing individual needs and health concerns. With healthcare professional guidance at 4Ever Young, patients can achieve sustainable weight loss and improve their overall health and well-being.

What is the healthiest way to lose weight?

The healthiest way to lose weight involves adopting a balanced and nutritious diet while engaging in regular exercise. For individuals with a high BMI, adding semaglutide, an injectable medication, to lifestyle changes may aid in weight loss. Combining these strategies promotes sustainable results and supports overall well-being.