
Double Chin Removal in Boca Raton, FL: Non-Surgical & Effective Techniques

Take a Non-Surgical Approach to Double Chin Removal in Boca Raton, FL.

Double Chin Removal Boca Raton FLAre you one of the unfortunate ones who hold some weight in their chin and neck area?

Unfortunately, genetics can predispose you to store weight there, and sometimes, no matter how much weight you lose overall, that stubborn chin fat won’t disappear.

You’re not out of luck if going under the knife doesn’t appeal to you. At our med spa, we offer non-surgical, double chin removal in Boca Raton, FL, and there are other steps you can take at home that might make a difference, too.

Embrace the beauty of change without the need for a scalpel. If the weight in your chin and neck area feels like an unwanted companion, our med spa in Boca Raton, FL, offers a non-surgical solution for double chin removal.

Your Guide to a Defined Chin: Incorporating Diet, Exercise, and Kybella for Lasting Results

  • Improve Your Diet

    If you haven’t tried changing your diet to facilitate weight loss, give it a try. Sometimes, you’ll notice a reduction of chin fat, helping you to lessen its appearance.

    And when we say improve your diet, we aren’t talking about drastic changes, like low-calorie diets that don’t provide adequate nutrition or fads that require you to consume nothing but a certain food each day. Instead, we’re talking about eating balanced, nutrient-rich meals — complete with whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies- watching your caloric intake and reducing sugar consumption.

  • Get in the Groove of an Exercise Routine

    No matter who you are, if you’re 18 or older, you need at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, spread out however you want. So, if you’re not busy on Monday evenings, hit the gym for an hour. Perhaps you’re off work on Wednesdays. That’s a perfect opportunity to get a jog in and add 45 minutes to the total. You get the drift… What’s important is you get exercise to help you burn the calories you ingest.

    Not only can exercise help your waist and chin lines, but good workouts keep your spirits high as well, seeing as how physical activities stimulate the release of endorphins — feel-good chemicals.

  • Work Your Chin Out

    Consider physically conditioning your chin. No, we’re not talking about trying to make your chin do sit-ups, though that would be a sight to see.

    One example is the lion’s roar. Really get into character by thinking about that iconic scene from The Lion King, you know, the one where Mufasa opens wide to let out a roar to demonstrate to his son how a real king does it.

    For this exercise, open your mouth wide and push your tongue out to its full extent. Then, hold this position for at least 10 seconds. Finish with a rest and then restart this exercise. Repeat it at least 10 to 20 times per day for optimal results.

    Try the chin-to-ceiling. You engage your neck and jaw muscles with this one. You can even do it as you sit. It can’t get any easier.

    For this one, as you keep your spine straight, tilt your head backward. Your eyes should be on the ceiling. Next, move your lower jaw forward, holding it there for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 10 to 20 times daily for optimal results.

  • Opt for Kybella

    If you’ve never heard of Kybella, it’s a revolutionary, injectable treatment that dissolves fat cells in those hard-to-reach areas. You know, the ones we mean — the spots where diet and exercise can’t seem to target.

    The benefits of this treatment are immense and include the following:

    • FDA-Approved

      When you opt for Kybella for double chin removal in Boca Raton, FL, you receive an FDA-approved treatment that requires no surgery. It’s the only treatment of its kind to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, making it quite the trailblazer.

    • Effective

      Despite its newcomer status, debuting within the last ten years, Kybella has been shown to have a tremendous impact on patients with an extra pocket of fat under the chin. In fact, two studies revealed that nearly 70 percent of individuals who received Kybella saw a reduction in fat below their chin, while only 20 percent of people saw a difference in the placebo group.

    • A Science-Based Approach

      With Kybella, you’re taking a science-based approach, even though it’s a non-surgical method. That probably leaves you wondering how the treatment works its magic. Well, it uses a concept derived from a naturally occurring process in the body. The bile acid and deoxycholic acid absorb fat in your body.

      These injections consist of a synthetic form of this substance that breaks down the fat cells in the target area, the chin. Your body then absorbs the cells, leaving you with a slimmer, more defined chin.

    • Able to Use With or Without Other Methods

      Though Kybella reigns as our fave method for double chin removal because of all its benefits, it doesn’t have to be your sole treatment. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to give up going to the gym, nor must you put your diet changes on pause. With Kybella, you can still use these methods and further your results.

      However, you may have some tenderness and inflammation at the injection site after the treatment, so you’ll want to hold off on those chin exercises for a few days after you receive Kybella.

Learn more here: Is Cheek Enhancement in Boca Raton, FL Suitable for You?

Choosing 4Ever Young Anti Aging Solutions for Double Chin Removal in Boca Raton, FL.

Double Chin Removal Boca Raton FLOur experts saw Kybella as a remarkable treatment that can help our patients look and feel their best.

And you know what 4Ever Young Anti Aging Solutions had to do? Incorporate it into our product line and train our experts on the appropriate administration techniques, giving patients access to a minimally invasive approach for double chin removal in Boca Raton, FL.

Today, our med spa professionals are proud to offer you a way to get that chiseled chin without ever having a scalpel touch that pretty face of yours. Plus, the results you receive are specifically for you. We craft the treatment around your unique facial shape.

After the treatment with us, you’ll then have a newfound confidence like you wouldn’t believe.

If you find at-home treatments aren’t enough, which many do, but aren’t ready for surgery, reach out 4Ever Young Anti Aging Solutions today. Kybella might just be the treatment you’ve been waiting for! And if you’d like to completely give your face a revamp, see what our Botox and Non-invasive Facelifts could do for you.

While you’re at it, discover why patients choose us for their non-surgical beauty needs click here.

Give us a ring today at 561-559-5156 to schedule your appointment. We’re are just a 2 minute drive from Renaissance Boca Raton Hotel!

By Abdon Borges Jr. MD | April 12th, 2024