
4 Non-Surgical Mommy Makeover: Lip Enhancement in Boca Raton, FL

Discover How Lip Enhancement in Boca Raton, FL, and Other Similar Treatments Can Get You Out of Your Mommy Slump.

Lip Enhancement Boca Raton FLWe can’t deny that there are a million and one perks to motherhood that make stretchmarks, sleepless nights, temper tantrums, and all the other not-so-great parts of being a parent, okay — not wonderful, but okay.

However, with the life-changing event of becoming a mother also comes neglecting yourself a bit and choosing to buy diapers over that new blouse.

If you haven’t done anything for yourself since your first pregnancy test, a cosmetic procedure might be just what you need to boost your confidence and treat yourself. Fortunately, surgery isn’t the only option.

At 4Ever Young, we offer non-invasive procedures like lip enhancement in Boca Raton, FL, to improve your appearance at a reasonable rate and without downtime. That means you can have a procedure here and go right back to being all the mother you can be, only with a better attitude and improved appearance.

Our wellness center offers custom-tailored treatments to help you feel like you did when your life revolved around you.

4 Non-Surgical Treatments to Explore To Help You Feel Better

  1. Skin Hyperpigmentation Treatment

    Up to 90 percent of women experience hyperpigmentation during their pregnancy. It stems from a natural increase in melanin (the substance responsible for your skin, hair, and eye color). Higher levels of melanin mean darker pigmentation in these areas.

    During pregnancy, your body is producing more estrogen and progesterone than before, which can lead to changes in your skin color, like the linea nigra (dark line down your stomach). The amount of sun exposure you get, as well as the types of skin care products you use, and even the genes your parents passed down can affect the severity.

    While most women’s skin returns to normal after pregnancy, this isn’t true for everyone. Some ladies contend with long-lasting skin color changes that are constant reminders. Fortunately, at our wellness spa, we offer skin hyperpigmentation treatment to combat this change.

  2. Active Acne Treatment and Scarring Reduction

    Around 40 percent of women develop acne during pregnancy as a result of the hormone changes. That progesterone surge during pregnancy prevents you from ovulating and ensures you don’t experience preterm labor by suppressing contractions. And that’s not all it does, either!

    With the good comes the bad… that hormone stimulates your glands to secrete more oil — a substance known as sebum. Unfortunately, that oil can clog your pores and contribute to bacteria building up, ultimately causing you to have pregnancy-related acne.

    Often, when your hormones return to normal, so does the skin on your face. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. Those who are breastfeeding are particularly vulnerable to acne breakouts after pregnancy due to the continuing hormone changes.

    Even if you don’t pick or squeeze that pesky pimple, it may scar as a result of inflammation. We know… it just isn’t fair. You housed a life for nine months, and you shouldn’t have to suffer from issues long past your delivery.

    With that said, there is hope! At 4Ever Young Anti-aging Solutions, we offer treatments to combat scarring, like chemical peels that use a chemical solution that causes you to shed the top layer(s) of skin to reveal an unblemished layer underneath.

    Dermaplaning is another option, and for this one, we use a specialized process to non-invasively remove skin cells that have defects or imperfections.

    If you want a nourishing way to treat acne after pregnancy, try a hydrafacial. This hydrating, multi-step treatment unclogs your pores to help with current outbreaks. After unclogging your pores, a practitioner from our wellness center will apply a serum to your face to help it look its brightest.

  3. Target Wrinkles

    You can’t really blame those kiddos for this one. But if you have wrinkles and other signs of aging, it can be a huge blow to your self-esteem. And no matter how many serums you try, you just might not be able to adequately target those buggers.

    With a PRP facial, you may be able to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to expose a more youthful appearance. Because it uses something found in your body, your risk of a reaction is much lower than a product that contains synthetic or even natural substances that are foreign to your body.

  4. Opt for Lip Enhancement

    Maybe you weren’t born with it; you know that pout that every woman wants but only some have.

    On the other hand, maybe Father Time (we’ll assume he’s a guy for the stress he’s causing. We kid. We kid) isn’t on your side, and he’s taking your voluminous lips with him.

    You don’t have to feel self-conscious or look at other women in envy. You CAN be that woman! Through our lip enhancement in Boca Raton, FL, you plump your lips and give yourself a younger appearance in the process.

    Plus, with our treatments, you won’t have any downtime, and we can strategically plan your treatment so the results look natural.

Learn more here: Best Aftercare Tips to Remember Following a Lip Enhancement Procedure

A More Beautiful You Is Achievable Without Surgery with Lip Enhancement in Boca Raton, FL

Lip Enhancement Boca Raton FLLooking good after becoming a mom doesn’t have to break the bank or put you out of commission for the next two to four weeks.

Through lip enhancement in 4Ever Young Anti-aging Solutions Boca Raton, FL, and other non-invasive treatments, you can boost your confidence and finally do something for yourself.

Everything we said sounds too good to be true, right? Well, have we got news for you! It’s all 100 percent possible. And our skilled team is just the one to do it. Discover why so many mommies, daddies, and everyone else in between are choosing us click here.

We should note we’re not just one trick ponies, either. We offer an array of other treatments, like dermal fillers.

Give us a call at 561-559-5156 today to book your consultation and learn more about our post-mommy services. You can even make it an entire day about you by treating yourself to some delicious eats at the Red Pine Restaurant & Bar.

By Abdon Borges Jr. MD | July 4th, 2024