Bio-identical Hormones are Available in Katy, TX

Experience the transformative benefits of bio-identical hormones at our Katy, Texas clinic. Bio-identical hormones come in various forms, including pills, patches, creams, gels, shots, and implanted pellets, providing a personalized approach to hormone optimization. These hormones closely resemble the molecular structure of your body’s own natural hormones, offering several advantages.

Bio-identical hormones provide multiple benefits, including enhanced sexual experience, improved libido, and increased sexual satisfaction. These hormones also promote stronger hair and nails, creating a vibrant and youthful appearance. Bio-identical hormones can positively impact sleep quality, improving the duration and waking up refreshed. For women in menopause, these hormones offer relief from symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and lack of energy, restoring a sense of well-being and vitality.

At 4Ever Young Clinic, our experienced medical professionals will work closely with you to develop a personalized hormone optimization plan. We understand that every individual is unique, and our goal is to provide customized treatment that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Getting your hormones back on track will support a healthier future and prevent osteoporosis and sexual dysfunction caused by imbalanced hormones.

"At 4Ever Young, we can provide the best tools to create the perfect physiological environment to assist you in your journey towards excellent health, so you can feel your best at any age."
Dr. Abdon S. Borges Jr., MD - Supervising Wellness Physician

About Bio-identical Hormones

Why You Should Get Bio-identical Hormones in Katy, Texas

4Ever Young in Katy, Texas, provides bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for men and women to reverse symptoms and reduce health risks of hormone imbalance.

  • Slows down some signs of aging – Taking bio-identical hormones can increase strength and endurance, giving you more energy and allowing you to live to your full potential.
  • Boosts mood – With bioidentical hormone therapy, you can reduce mild depression, stress, anxiety, mood swings, and feelings of low self-esteem.
  • Improves sleep quality – You can sleep more regularly with bio-identical hormones, which alleviate hormone-induced sleep problems.
  • Improves short-term memory – Mental clarity, short-term memory, and cognitive function can be enhanced using bio-identical hormones.
  • Reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases – Strong evidence shows that men with low testosterone are more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. Bioidentical hormone therapy for men reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves heart health.
  • Revitalizes sexuality – A balanced hormone level can improve libido and sexual performance and help with erectile dysfunction issues in men.
  • Combats osteoporosis – With the help of bioidentical hormone therapy, we can increase bone density, reducing fracture risk and preventing osteoporosis as we age.
  • Improves muscle tone – Bioidentical hormone therapy improves muscle tone and fat burning by increasing the body’s metabolic rate.

How Do Bio-identical Hormones Work?

Discover the benefits of medically supervised bioidentical hormone therapy at 4Ever Young in Katy, Texas. This personalized treatment addresses age-related hormone decline by providing your body with natural hormones identical to those it produces.

While lifestyle changes can alleviate some symptoms of hormonal imbalance, hormone replacement therapy can be a valuable option for others. Bioidentical hormones derived from plant-based estrogens closely resemble our body’s hormones and are preferred over synthetic ones.

Bioidentical hormone therapy can improve skin quality, reduce wrinkles, decrease the chance of developing cataracts, and help restore hormone balance. Whether delivered through patches, pills, creams, gels, shots, or pellet therapy, the placement of bioidentical hormone pellets under the skin has been proven the safest and most effective method of hormone replacement therapy.

Experience relief from hormone imbalance symptoms and promote overall well-being with our medically supervised bioidentical hormone therapy program.

  • Bio-identical Hormones Options For You
    4Ever Young offers various hormone replacement options for men and women. To determine what is right for you, we work with you to determine how to structure your bio-identical hormone regimen best.
  • Topical Cream
    Creams are a non-invasive way to get hormones through the skin. Although creams are generally easy to apply, skin can sometimes become irritated. Patients should monitor how their own body reacts to the cream.Transdermal dosing, or the application of a cream to the skin, transports hormones into the bloodstream through the layers of the skin. Because the dose is lower, dosing through the skin is generally considered easier on the body. And, since the application takes time and the patient has to measure the amounts applied accurately, those seeking quick, effortless dosing may prefer something other than a cream.
  • Injections
    4Ever Young offers prescription bioidentical testosterone injected directly into the body, allowing for better absorption. While we teach our patients how to inject these hormones properly, we always help. To avoid damaging the liver, injectibles are used to administer testosterone, just as your body does when functioning correctly.
  • Pills
    You’ve probably heard of oral hormones since birth control pills typically contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone. There are also progesterone-only pills. In birth control pills, the hormones are not tailored to hormone replacement, so a compounding pharmacy can help you determine an appropriate dose for hormone replacement therapy.Since an oral formulation must pass through the liver – which breaks down a large part of the hormones that pass through it – a higher dose of hormones is required. This means a much more significant burden on your system. Although most patients tolerate these doses fine, some may prefer a topical medication.
  • Pellets
    To provide our clients with a “set and forget” approach to bioidentical HRT, 4Ever Young offers pellets in addition to injections. Our 4Ever Pearl pellet is no larger than a grain of rice and is placed in the hip to release a steady dose of hormones over several months. Your hormone levels will be monitored throughout treatment and replaced as needed.4Ever Pearl’s natural testosterone is derived from wild yams and is formulated to match the testosterone produced by your own body. Each batch of pellets meets the highest quality standards and is sterilized and potency-tested to ensure safety.Although testosterone is usually regarded as a hormone of the male gender, it’s also needed in small quantities in the female body, and women can experience symptoms if their levels are too low. As well as producing estradiol, a form of estrogen, the female body also uses excess testosterone.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is the way to fight for vitality, helping restore proper hormone levels to the body with substances indistinguishable from what your body would produce on its own.

Do I Need Bio-identical Hormones?

You don’t have to give up what you enjoy as you age. Hormone imbalances and deficiencies are particularly problematic if they prevent you from doing what you need to be healthy and happy.

Several hormone-related symptoms negatively affect the quality of life, including:

  • Low energy levels
  • Less drive and competitiveness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • More noticeable wrinkles
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Poor erection quality/quantity
  • Decreased libido/sexual performance
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Gradual slowing of mental function and memory
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of lean muscle mass and strength
  • Slower recovery from exercise and injury
  • Bone density issues

It’s time to schedule a free hormone health consultation if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Bio-identical Hormones in Katy, Texas: What Can I Expect?

If you have symptoms of age-related hormone decline, head to the nearest 4Ever Young location to discuss your hormone health. Every patient is different. Rather than following a “one-size-fits-all” approach, we provide each patient with a customized plan to meet their needs.

Using bioidentical hormone therapy requires appropriate testing, examination, and discussing symptoms with a physician. Our hormone replacement regimen involves close monitoring to ensure that hormone levels remain within the ideal ranges and confirm treatment success. We’ll be with you every step of the way as you work towards regaining your vitality.


4Ever Young Katy, TX, is a med spa like no other. We take a holistic approach to wellness — combining hormone therapy, aesthetic treatments, and lifestyle guidance to help you look and feel your best.

We understand that every patient is different, so we create customized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. Our team works with you to develop a plan considering your age, skin type, lifestyle habits, and desired results.

At 4Ever Young Katy, TX, we understand how important it is for our patients to stay young and vibrant — so let us empower you to age the way you choose to. Our team is dedicated to helping you age the way you choose with safe and effective solutions tailored to meet your needs. Let us help you unlock your inner youth, and help you age the way you choose!

Restore Your Youthful Vitality With Bio-identical Hormones

You don’t need to suffer from poor quality of life because of aging. Transform your life with the careful use of bio-identical hormones in our 4Ever Young clinics in Katy, Texas.

Call 4Ever Young clinic in Katy, Texas, at (346) 988-2190 to learn more about bio-identical hormones and other Anti-aging procedures available in Texas.

The Process