Andropause Treatment Wilchester Houston TXAchieve a more youthful appearance, enhanced strength, increased energy levels, and even improved sexual function with our advanced andropause treatment.

Don’t think that only women have to worry about hormonal decline as they approach middle age – men also experience a similar condition called andropause. While the symptoms of “male menopause” differ from those in women, they can still have a significant impact on a man’s quality of life.

Distinguished from other men’s health centers in Wilchester - Houston, TX, our center takes a personalized and comprehensive approach to addressing andropause. Our expert doctors design tailored treatment plans that go beyond testosterone replacement alone.

Our approach to andropause therapy in 4Ever Young Wilchester - Houston, TX, encompasses a holistic perspective, incorporating hormone replacement therapies, lifestyle modifications, targeted supplementation, and expert nutritional guidance. With these combined efforts, we strive to attain optimal outcomes for our patients.

We look at your hormones and symptoms and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique goals and lifestyle.


Unlike menopause, which happens at a specific time in a woman’s life, andropause in men develops more slowly over time. As critical hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) decline as a man ages, it can lead to the symptoms of andropause, such as fatigue, decreased libido, and depression.

Andropause therapy is a treatment option that can help alleviate these symptoms and improve the overall quality of life for men experiencing andropause caused by age-related hormone decline.

Any man between the ages of 35 and 65 who is not feeling as young, strong, or vital as they used to can benefit from andropause therapy. The cornerstone of our andropause treatment is testosterone replacement therapy. There are many benefits of testosterone therapy for men suffering from andropause.

The proven benefits of andropause treatment include the following:

  • Improved energy levels – Andropause treatment balances your essential hormone levels, allowing you to do more activities and keep doing all you love.
  • Better moods – Andropause treatment can help eliminate mood swings, irritability, and stress. Boosting your hormones with andropause treatment will also improve your self-esteem, confidence, and motivation.
  • Improved fitness – Many hormones we provide as part of our andropause treatment increase your metabolism and improve your ability to burn fat, build lean muscle mass, and increase muscle tone. After our andropause treatment here in Wilchester - Houston, TX, you may find yourself in the best shape of your life!  
  • Improved sexual performance and increased sex drive – Andropause treatment will result in an improved sex drive and enhanced sexual performance creating improved intimacy for you and your partner!
  • Improved memory and enhanced cognitive function – A common complaint among men going through andropause is “mental fog,” memory loss, and other cognitive issues. Andropause treatment improves brain health and cognitive function. 
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases – Low testosterone levels in men increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Testosterone replacement therapy, which is part of our andropause treatment plan, can reduce the risk of heart disease and improve heart health!


Andropause Treatment Wilchester Houston TXAndropause therapy works by bringing your hormone levels back into their optimal range.

There are textbook “normal” hormone levels for men; however, what is “normal” for you, may not be “normal” for somebody else. That is exactly why we tailor your andropause therapy to your individual needs, wellness goals, and lifestyle.

Once we have obtained a comprehensive picture of your health, our doctors and staff will create a customized andropause treatment plan based on your unique needs and symptoms. We will also help you to make lifestyle changes to ensure that you get the optimal results from your andropause treatment.


Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a condition that affects many men as they age. It is characterized by a decrease in testosterone levels and a decline in other critical hormones, such as HGH. There are many signs and symptoms of andropause or “male menopause.”  Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of andropause:

  • Erectile Difficulties
  • Hair loss
  • Reduced bone mass
  • Reduction in testicle size
  • Reduction in sperm count and/or semen volume
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Lowered libido or sex drive
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Hot flashes
  • Loss of energy
  • An increase in body fat
  • Changes in mood or mood swings


While the specific outcomes of testosterone therapy may differ among individuals, all patients can expect to experience improvement. Testosterone replacement therapy is administered over the course of multiple months, utilizing various methods such as skin patches, creams, gels, injections, and subdermal pellets.

As treatment progresses, you will witness a consistent enhancement in your overall health and well-being, ultimately leading to a more resilient, robust, and invigorated version of yourself.

An initial effect that often emerges within the initial weeks of commencing testosterone replacement therapy is a noticeable enhancement in libido and sexual performance. Beyond that, by the end of your course of testosterone therapy, you will notice the following:

  • Increased energy
  • Improved stamina
  • A reduction in belly fat
  • A decrease in cholesterol levels
  • Improved bone density
  • Improved moods, less anxiety, anger, and depression
  • Improved focus, concentration, and mental acuity
  • Improved heart health, lowered risk of cardiovascular disease

We pride ourselves on offering you cutting-edge diagnostic technology to identify your symptoms and provide you with the latest HRT treatments. We understand that every patient suffering from age-related hormone testosterone loss is not the same.

We work with you as your partners in health every step of the way to minimize your side effects and maximize your results as you work towards regaining your vitality and youthful vim and vigor.

About Us: 4Ever Young Wilchester - Houston, TX

Discover the key to unlocking ageless vitality with 4Ever Young Wilchester Houston, TX. Our revolutionary anti-aging solutions combine proven techniques from functional medicine with cutting-edge technology to revitalize your body and spirit.

Embrace a life filled with boundless energy and youthfulness, and bid goodbye to the signs of aging. We specialize in personalized care for various health, wellness, and aesthetic conditions. Don’t settle for anything less than radiant health–-choose 4Ever Young Wilchester Houston and embrace the secret to eternal youth.

We Take a Different Approach to Andropause Therapy for Men

At 4Ever Young Medspa and Anti-aging Solutions in Wilchester - Houston, TX, we distinguish ourselves from typical men’s health centers by adopting a personalized approach to andropause therapy.  Our center houses the finest andropause specialists in Wilchester - Houston, TX, and the neighboring areas.

Don’t let life’s pleasures pass you by any longer. Join the countless men in Wilchester - Houston, TX, who are now living happier and healthier lives, courtesy of 4Ever Young’s distinctive andropause treatment approach designed exclusively for men.

Frequently Asked Questions About Andropause Treatment

What is Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone is a medical condition also known as hypogonadism. It is sometimes called “andropause” or “male menopause.” But no matter what you call it, it is a series of symptoms such as lack of energy, loss of strength, and sexual health issues caused by a lower-than-normal testosterone level in the blood.

What is andropause?

Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a natural decline in critical hormone levels in aging men, typically occurring in their 40s or 50s.

What are the symptoms of andropause?

Common symptoms of andropause include fatigue, decreased muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, decreased sex drive, mood changes, memory problems, and sleep disturbances.

How is andropause diagnosed?

Andropause is typically diagnosed based on a combination of symptoms and blood tests that measure testosterone levels and your levels of other critical hormones, such as HGH.

What are the treatment options for andropause?

Treatment options for andropause include hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle changes such as exercise and healthy eating habits, and supplementation to help manage specific symptoms.

Is andropause a serious medical condition?

While andropause is a natural part of aging, it can significantly impact the quality of life. Seeking medical treatment for andropause can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.