
6 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Soft and Supple with Hydrafacial in Gilbert, AZ

Give Your Skin The Moisture it Needs by Receiving a Nourishing HydraFacial in Gilbert, AZ and Following these Other Tips.

Hydrafacial Gilbert AZWouldn’t it be nice if you could hold up a glass of water to your face, and it would receive the water it needed?

Unfortunately, your skin doesn’t absorb water like that, so you need to get its daily recommended amount of fluid through other means.

While an occasional, refreshing hydrafacial in Gilbert, AZ , can help rehydrate your skin — which we’ll explain below — you can also take steps to keep your skin hydrated regularly at home.

Keep your skin hydrated and young-looking through our skincare services, and take steps to proactively improve your skin’s moisture content.

Achieve Dewy, Healthy Skin with These Tips

  1. Stay Hydrated

    Your organs are often a bit selfish about hydration since they’re the first ones to obtain fluid through what you’re drinking. Your skin receives this liquid after, but it’s still an organ that needs adequate hydration. The skin needs it to regulate your body temperature.

    From a beauty perspective, it’s necessary for that youthful glow and the skin cells to retain moisture, which helps with the suppleness of your skin as well as its elasticity. By getting enough water, your organs, including your largest one (the skin), will ALL receive enough liquid.

    We get that drinking the necessary amount of water daily isn’t easy, but these tips might be of use to get you drinking enough:

    • Add some fruit: Try adding lemon, orange, or lime slices for some added antioxidants and zing.
    • Buy flavor packets or water enhancers: Opt for flavor pouches or enhancers that give your water something extra while ensuring you receive enough fluid.
    • Keep water nearby always: Getting up 100 times to sip on a cup of water isn’t convenient. However, always having a water bottle nearby is a surefire way to make getting a drink easy breezy, so you’ll be more likely to drink water all day!
    • Know water isn’t the only drink that hydrates: Water receives all the acknowledgment for keeping your body hydrated. While water is the most effective at quenching your thirst compared to other beverages, milk, juice, decaf coffee, and other similar beverages can also contribute to your fluid intake.
  2. Limit Caffeine

    That morning pick-me-up might do the trick every day. It might be that instant wake-up you need to get your motor running before you’re on your way out the door. You might also have a coffee sitting on your desk all day to keep you chugging along.

    Despite the energy coffee brings, it’s not doing anything beneficial for your skin! All that caffeine is dehydrating because it has a diuretic effect. That means it’s causing you to urinate more frequently and will accelerate fluid loss in the process. If you’re not replenishing that fluid or are low on it, to begin with, you can easily find caffeine dehydrating you.

    While dehydration can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms, you’ll lose the fluid necessary to nourish your skin as well. Though caffeine won’t necessarily leave you completely high and dry in terms of your hydration level, your skin will surely feel dry, look dull, and may develop premature signs of aging from it.

    By limiting your caffeine intake, you’ll give your skin one fewer obstacle to overcome when it comes to looking its best and remaining moisturized.

  3. Avoid Hot Showers

    Many people enjoy the feel of a hot shower on their bodies to soothe sore muscles or relieve the day's stress. Those high temperatures can dry your skin, as they elevate your body’s temperature and increase sweating. Not to mention, though it seems completely the opposite, steam can enhance moisture loss, which, in return, contributes to dehydration.

    Ideally, choose to take a lukewarm bath — the best of both worlds. Your body temperature will remain the same, preventing you from sweating since your body won’t start heating up.

    You also won’t be breathing in all that steam, which, though it can help when you’re congested, is a completely different story for your skin.

  4. Kick That Nicotine Habit

    You know all the negatives smoking does to your body; we don’t need to educate you about any of those. However, we want to go on record by saying smoking isn’t doing your skin any favors regarding its hydration, either.

    The nicotine in tobacco is a stimulant and constricts blood vessels, and as a result, impedes blood flow. Ultimately, your skin doesn’t get the fluid it needs, nor does it get the oxygen necessary for optimal skin cell health when you smoke.

    Your skin will thank you when you throw that last pack away and start living a smoke-free life!

  5. Use Hyaluronic Acid

    You’ve probably heard about the benefits of hyaluronic acid for the skin. While it’s known for its impact on skin elasticity, this wonder serum affects your skin’s hydration by acting as a magnet and drawing liquid to it.

    So, as it’s firming up your skin, it’ll also be helping it obtain the moisture necessary to keep it healthy and plump. It’s even known to stimulate collagen production, making it an MVP in the skincare game!

  6. Opt for Routine Hydrafacials

    That lack of moisture in your skin can happen as you age, but we’re on the case to counteract it with a hydrafacial in Gilbert, AZ. Curious what that is?

    Let's just say there’s a reason why the word “hydrafacial” has the prefix “hydra!” A vital component of this facial is its ability to rehydrate your skin to add volume and give it a younger-looking appearance. Your skin will have a better luster and look more refreshed and rejuvenated at the end of the treatment.

    We must note that hydrated skin doesn’t show wrinkling, and fine lines are not as pronounced.

Learn more here: How Microneedling in Gilbert, AZ Works and Why It's Effective

Let Us Help You Rehydrate Your Skin with Hydrafacial in Gilbert, AZ.

Hydrafacial Gilbert AZAt 4Ever Young, our job is to help you hold on to your youthful appearance and vivacious spirit for as long as possible, ensuring you look and feel good for years to come!

While you can take steps to maintain the moisture in your skin at home, a hydrafacial in 4Ever Young Anti-aging Solutions can lend a helping hand and even be just what you need if you’re not quite fully dedicated to keeping your skin hydrated at home.

We should also mention that if you need a little more attention to those problem areas, we offer dermal fillers that can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and smooth the skin.

If you’re thinking this is all too good to be true, you can rest assured it’s not. Our previous clients can attest; read through our reviews here.

Book today for better, healthier, more hydrated skin! Call us at 480-630-0553 to schedule an appointment. We’re not far from the Gilbert Walmart!

By Joseph Palumbo, MD | June 12th, 2024